Archives March 2006 February gregg rogell 2 pac music video

marthawainwright, debi mazar, assata shakur, literary, gear, 2 pac music video, artist, griclock'd, girl power by hillary carlip, ftw, gossip, Conservative bloggers are stuck up rich fucktwats. Liberal bloggers are self-rightous whiny pussies. They deserve to live in horrible plan and should never be allowed to reproduce. If you have a political blog, I hope you gregg rogell get raped. Seriously, go get yourself raped. You fucking deserve it. You can’t even compare that solid piece of movie gold. And if you try to compare anything to it, I will kill gregg rogell you then skull fuck your eye sockets. Which raises an interesting question. How the fuck does that fat gregg rogell fuck stay so fucking fat? I mean, I hate a lot of things myself, but I try to swear only where I really want there to be emphasis. It doesn’t get more obnoxious than this. In his own words: Jesus Fucking Christ. This entry was posted on Monday, February 20th, 2006 at 8:31 amand is filed under General Bollocks. 8 Responses to “Give This Man A Cookie” Will Says: February 20th, 2006 at 8:07 pm e I fucking love that guy! Cunt-basket!!!! Haarball Says: February 20th, 2006 at 10:13 pm e Am I being a prick and missing the humour in it?
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Archives March 2006 February 2006 January 2006 .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding: 0 !important;margin: 0 !important;} Latest Comments Haarball on Sterile SyndicationRodolp S on Sterile SyndicationStu 2 pac music video on Silicon Valley FacialsAnonymous Coward on A 2 pac music video Couple of Extra Zeros Would Look GoodI’m movin’ on up now / Gettin’ out of the X-list at tossr on You Bloody Tosser Meta Login Entries RSS Comments RSS 2 pac music video « An Unnecessary Freezing Of Water Folderee, Foldera, Folderhahaha? » Give This Man A Cookie For writing the blog Fuxors - “fuck you, you fucking fuck”. That’s right, that’s his tagline. Pretentious, you say? The row of gems is never-ending. I fucking dare you. But remember, when you do, you better tape your asshole shut, cause I’m going to shove a live fucking racoon up it. Political bloggers are the dumbest fucks on the internet. The twelve year olds that populate that horrible world call Myspace are more intelligent and can carry a better conversation that political bloggers.
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