And we think China's crowded. 1billion,2billion,4billion,8billion,16billion,32billion,64billion, 128billion,256billion,512billion,1024billion,2048billion,4096billion, 8192billion,16384billion,32768billion,65536billion,131072billion, 262144billion,524288billion,1048576billion,2097152billion, 4194304billion,8388608billion,16777216billion,33554432billion, 67108864billion,134217728billion.... God big bang bless you, Dr. Kevorkian. (p.s. everything I just said I stole directly big bang from people who are smarter than me. Except the calculations, for which I used pen and paper, which are both inferior to me in intellect.) Permalink 37 comments • Trackbacks (20) 12/26/05 12:12:32 pm, 12/26/05Author: HAYDERCategory: Hayder Does The World! Happy New Year I want to say Happy New Year for all harbinger visitor take care Permalink 1 comment 12/19/05 13:13:50, 2005-12-19Author: RaskinCategory: Cult(ure) big bang The Beginning of the End(times) Just in case the bread had you feeling full and the circus had you feeling numb, here's a fun fact, sent to me by the good Captain Switter's in an email entitled "It's Happening!"