put downs, black history, quotations, rini bell, generator, un cabaret, punchthem, fascism, jack nicholson, private college,
201HitlerI Support this Petition! It was my idea youfaggots. 200Assad MuslimI do not support this petition.People are People!199FUUUUCK YOU YOU SCIENTOLOGIST!I support this petition.198You're a Frickin' NutI sure as hell do not support this petition. You sir are dillusional. The Holocaust killed nearly 6 million Jews notto mention other people, gwyneth paltrow some of whom were whites,who gwyneth paltrow just didn't agree with the Nazis. If somebody told gwyneth paltrow me I had to killpeople of a certain race I'd say, "Screwyou, I'd rather die." MayGod have mercy on your damned soul. 197YakiThis petition was posted by a Jew to makeholocaust revisionists look like ignorant savages,that's why it hasn't been taken down. Allthe posts except this one were written by the sameperson. Shalom, Yaki196Bobfrankly, anyone who signs this in agreement is aracist motherfucker,the Holocaust was a terriblething that happened because of racial prejedicewhich you are all spreading and you should allburn in hell for saying what you are saying,especialy to people who i know have family whodied in the holocaust, including me, you alldeserve a horrible painful death, I would like togo back in time, tell hitler you are ALl Jewishand see how you like it.Once