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Look at me now, you left me so fuck you. Everybody leaves me, everybody's gone. Watch my father leave me, there's nobody left. Feels like I've never been loved. Everybody leaves me, never gave a shit about me. Everybody's gone, I'll r u still down rot in my head alone. I don't give a fuck about you, go the fuck away . Fake being, inside of my heart you are the liar. Innocence displaced. Been left. Here r u still down I r u still down stand now and I'm alone, With no one to comfort me. One set of footprints in the sand. No one to take my hand, I'll . I'll walk through as long as I need. I'll drift through my life though I'm alone. Outgrown the cradle that once housed me And I've found that all I need is Me. Found I've never needed you to push through All the shit that stacks up inside of my life. Endless plight that circulates through my body.