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Mouthpiece [ by sue kolinsky ...reply by sue kolinsky just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 55. Re: True, but not decisive. by zyxwvutsr at Wed 31 Aug 12:50pmscore of 1 astute in reply to comment 47 I don't find the geographic concentration in these states to be quite so intense as to merit saying thatOnly 7 out of the 50 states saw an increase in poverty, and all were in one area of the country. How intense would a geographical by sue kolinsky distribution have to be before you would find it compelling? That the increase was concentrated to a degree should not obscure the fact that these changes aren't just part of random variation between states...I haven't claimed that the variation is random — in fact I think it is unlikely to be random since the states where poverty increased are mostly contiguous. (The sole exception, Wisconsin, is nearly contiguous as it is separated only by Lake Michigan.)...they should have been counterweighted by equally strong increases in other statesThe increases were not so much counterweighted (the three states that experienced a drop in poverty rates — Arkansas, Hawaii, and Oklahoma — have fairly small populations) as they are mitigated by the fact that the poverty rate in most states was unchanged from the previous year.One