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Bush proves that point.I'm sorry America. I'm sorry I voted for Bush. I'm ashamed because he has no leadership skills and sends our sons and daughters hollywood to their deaths for nothing but lies.Bush, kiss my ass you fucking loser. You cheated me and I'll never forget that. COMMENT #662 hollywood [link] ...IDONTSUPPORTONESIDEORTHEOTHER said on 3/20/2006 @ 5:35pm PT... The devestation is everyone's fault. We shouldn't have expected Bush to do much because he is sidetracked with the stupid war and because he is pretty much unreliable. It was hollywood pretty much FEMA's fault because they are supposed to deal with these things. It was also the governor's fault because it sure seemed he didn't give a damn, and even the mayor's fault. If a hurricane that just fucked up the carribean is coming your way, what the hell do ya think your supposed to do?!