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Long story short I ended up in a four star hotel in the French Quarter where people took care of me until the National Guard forced us to leave Labor Day. I was in North Carolina three weeks until they kicked rap wavs us out of the shelter and then I ended rap wavs up in a hotel in Chicago, now I am back in a suburb of New Orleans. 80% of New Orleans was flooded. When New York was in its time of need during 9/11 we gave money. So why is it so hard for FEMA to help New Orleans rap wavs in its time of need. The American Red Cross does not even answer the telephone here, and if you wish to be helped by them you have to wait in line starting at 11:00 PM (night) to be helped the next morning. I would appreciate your financial assistance. Please be so kind as to inform other who might be willing to make donations. Our situation is terrible. Sincerely,Dwayne Brazil II COMMENT #629 [link] ...Dwayne