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Why is John Cusack staging a comeback playing the EXACT SAME WORTHLESS FUCKING LOSER GEEK CHARACTERS that he did in the 80's?!? Why is that worthless cunt Molly Ringwald's hideous iraqeye face STILL on my TV? Every fucking night? iraqeye Why?!? What possesses an otherwise sane Adequacy editor who shall remain nameless to defend Miami Vice? Don Johnson wore pink fucking sports jackets for christ's sake! Without a tie! In a T-SHIRT! THESE ARE NOT THINGS TO REMEMBER FONDLY!!! Just because you are worthless chickenshit ass wipes who iraqeye have chosen to completely withdraw from the world and exist in a state of living death while surrounded by the detritus of the most fundamentally embarassing moment in human history does NOT give you the right to drag my good name through your own putrid effluence just so you can avoid confronting the fact that you are no longer teenagers and your life is a hollow, vapid, and utterly meaningless waste of time that should have been ended during one of those angst-ridden Morrissey binges because you will never have the spine to actually