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Soon, we imagine, Holmes will be unable to enter a Starbucks or Coffee Bean without instantly collapsing under the psychodramatic weight she'll subconsciously associate with any high-end coffee vendor. [Notwithstanding words what we think we see in the above photo we found at Goldenfiddle.] Previously: Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Sympathy For The Fiancée [Defamer] READ MORE: Tom Cruise, katie holmes, sightings, top Pandagon Blog Archives Search Amanda Pam Jedmunds Contact Disclaimer Register « The ‘Christian Oscars’ At what point words does the charade that a woman’s consent matters actually end? » Abraham Lincoln was a racist Published by Amanda MarcotteMarch 4th, 2006in History, Race One of the hands down most annoying persistent right-wing self-justifying memes is the clutching-at-straws attempts to turn backwards ideas from that past that manifest themselves on the right into damning “evidence” against progressivism.