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Looking at Lara, I felt amused. She stood, so waitressy with her upright posture and her ponytail swinging. Staring without my usual critical scrutiny, I found her to be prettier than I think of myself and younger pictures looking than I feel. A wave of affection enveloped me, as if she pictures was my child, and then I thought, “What a good kid.” After another second of staring I shook it off, reminding myself, “The ‘kid’ is you, Psycho.” With my indulgent analysis over, I went back outside to bring more gin and tonics to drunk pictures customers. The music was blaring, as wanna-be hipsters and clubbers on E danced to the beat. I grabbed two drinks and walked over to one of my tables. “Excuse me,” said a woman as I approached, “could you tell them to stop.”
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