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The Outlaws and everything. So besides Southern rock, what other music are you into? Elton John. Elton is the first one and obviously Sabbath and then the Allmans and joey lauren adams Skynyrd, anything that’s good. I listen to fucking Coldplay, that album is fucking ass kicking, Travis, you know anything that’s good man. Radiohead, fucking when it comes joey lauren adams to the heavy shit.. Ministry, when it’s good, it’s good. So you have your own Les Paul coming out? Yeah the bullseye and all that shit, I got a buzzsaw one. That must be a big honor? Yeah without a joey lauren adams doubt, me and Slash are the only ones that have a Marshall right next to Jim Marshall’s name. Without a doubt it’s fucking humbling. Can you talk a little about your own style – the pinch harmonic style and what influenced you? You know you can’t choose your own style, you get it from different things…Eddie Van Halen, Randy Rhodes, Tony Lommi.
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