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Don Sherwood was quoted as saying he would certainly abide by any adult eclectic music decisions made by the Chief and wanted to "get along". My own quotes related to "misunderstandings" and "missed communications" and the like. No one had spoken to the press about illegal entry, searches or threats. Yet. These matters warranted and awaited private discussion. Charlie Speights arranged a adult eclectic music meeting with Stewart Newblatt. Stewart was outraged. There was no question that Chief Rogers had violated any number adult eclectic music of rules and regulations in theoretically condoning a search of any "suspected" vehicles for drugs or drug peraphernalia. In his quest and zest for major ass-burning, he had envisioned confiscating a mountain of shit. He didn't even have a mini-molehill. The MC-5 van had been heavily guarded by White Panther security, concerned more about equipment or van theft than drug concealment.