Dave Chappelle: Wow, that's lo ming tupac shakur mp3

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Dave Chappelle: Wow, that's the first lottery a black person's won in a long time. Bill Burr: Yes, and they'll probably still complain. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Dave Chappelle: heh tupac shakur mp3 heh - man, fuck you. [from the Charlie Murphy / Prince True Hollywood story] Interviewer: What happened next after the game? Charlie Murphy: He took us back inside and made us pancakes. [Shot of Dave as Prince serving tupac shakur mp3 pancakes] Charlie Murphy: [pause, dead serious] Pancakes. Prince: [serving panckaes] Nice game, bitches. [Dave convinces Wayne Brady not to kill one of his prostitutes] Dave Chappelle: I tupac shakur mp3 gotta get some money man, I gotta go to the ATM, I ain't got no money. Wayne Brady: I'll get some money. [Dave rolls his eyes] Wayne Brady: Alright, right here. [Car is stopped in the middle of the street] Dave Chappelle: Well, where's the ATM at? Wayne Brady: We at it.
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