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<mutatedjellyfish> speak for yourself <mutatedjellyfish> im a scientific observer of the victims of this "IRC" rock/pop <mutatedjellyfish> me and my associates are working rock/pop on developing a cure <Threeboy> doc, we need 55cc's of social life, STAT! <mach_one> NOOOOOOOO! <mach_one> get that needle rock/pop away from me! * mach_one runs back to his cave <mutatedjellyfish> restrain him! #35417 +(119)- [X]<Delirium> AFK, tornado *** Delirium quit irc: (no route to house) #36181 +(425)- [X]<nom> Bush wipes his ass, right? <Ultron> No someone does it for him <Legion> yeah with the constitution #37505 +(197)- [X]<Ray[RDN]> My skin is all pale, im like superskinny, and I smell bad. <Ray[RDN]> I think i'm dead #40313 +(106)- [X]<Shut^D0wN> one time i called office depot and asked "What kind of RAM do you guys have?" and the guy said "We dont have RAM just memory..." <Wario64> So what kind of memory did they have?