drowned in sound uk, models, insultingpostcards, moviedatabase, makaveli lyric, true stories, quotations, writing, boobs, there goes the neighborhood, steve, catch 22,
At least my eyes don’t feel so full of pressure that I can’t open them or look like I’m weeping uncontrollably. I will insert a direct Vitamin C and Zinc IV into lyrics my vein and see if I don’t feel well enough to drive my new car to Baltimore tomorrow to lyrics visit the Grove. I’ve calmed lyrics down a bit about the new car. I figure the payments are 1/4 of my monthly income, that’s really not bad. And I have to take responsibility for a new vehicle at some point anyway, what better time then when I’m not paying any large monthly bills? And as I’m sure everyone is sick of hearing about the new vehicle in my life, I will make one obligatory picture post later today, and be done with it. Well……besides a few random notations about how different it is to drive a new car as opposed to a big 4×4 that is older than I am.