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If we started getting along with Catholics better maybe they would listen and see that our arguments have merit. If you keep putting Cathlic-hate articles on your website you will only twist the viewers minds into evil. Nate Nuzum i have never seen a website so fucked up before. the ideas you present in this website shows that you have no idea what the fuck you makaveli 2000 are talking about and you have no evidence to prove any of the fucking shit you got on there. Fuck you makaveli 2000 you fucking makaveli 2000 hairy assed mother fucker. Get a fucking clue. you put sex and God in the sentence. you think thats funny? your gonna burn in hell you piece of shit. you probably masturbate over pictures of satan you perverted mother fucker. go fuck yourself and the next time you say any shit like this i am gonna come over there and shove your fucked up doctrine up your ass then pull it out and make you eat it!