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Keener plays Nicole Springer, and actress whose career has seen better days (she's constantly referred to as that actress who had unreleased makaveli the shower scene in that Richard Gere movie) now stuck in independent unreleased makaveli movie hell, doubting her talents and abilities, usually requiring Nick to prop her up to continue. LeGros is wonderful Chad Palomino, a patently transparent, superficial, Hollywood pretty boy `slumming' between more prominent roles who continuously disrupts his scenes with `suggested' improvements, usually involving some inane idea ("Hey, what if unreleased makaveli I was wearing an eye patch?") or for himself to be more conspicuously displayed or highlighted within the scene, with Nick usually acquiescing in an effort to assuage the biggest name associated with his film. Next there's Wolf (Mulroney), the completely pretentious and overly sensitive cinematographer (beret and all) who's constantly second guessing Nick's perception of how the scenes should be shot.