charlize theron, independent artists, wiley wiggins, interviews, invented names, david steinberg, makaveli cd, poetic justice, sexy, jarhead(umd mini for psp), lori tan chinn, punk band, confession, tupac greatest hit lyric, christmas, catherine avril morris, poetry, comedies & family ent., putdowns, television, gridlock, online music promotion, a 10 thunderbolt ii,
16. ×I'm a Gemini. ×I LOVE HUGS!![if you give me a hug, I swear words will ♥ you forever. hugs are the way to my ♥. I can't live without hugs, so give me one, or two, or seven if you ♥ me.] ×I love swear words music.[a very strange variety of it too] ×I take French, and I think it's the best language you could ever learn.[if you've got a problem with it fuck off =) because I love French.] ×I'm pretty swear words easy to get along with unless you piss me off. ×I'm very trusting.[until you show me that I shouldn't be] ×I might forgive you, but I'll never forget whatever you did, and I might use it against you later.[so don't think you got off that easily.] ×I'm very determined. ×I need to let go of things. ×I get jealous easily.[I think I'm the most jealous person I know.] ×I love to laugh.