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It is very kind of you. My middle name is Johanasberg, named after the place I was conceived - though 'Mother Fucker' would also perhaps be applicable as a place of conception. Close, but no cigar. (or bong pipe if you would prefer - drugs are lyric so cool and underground). It's good that Nady can know Brian after only meeting him a couple of times. In a similar way, I feel as if I know everything about you lot lyric from merely lyric a few e-mails. Take care - no bends, Rico" Brooke writes Just like to point out the fact that Levi was never Tony's dog, it was John's. Now, I know you're trying to make some sort of living from writing pathetic articles slagging the famous off, but I do think it would be much more professional to actually do a little bit of research so that the few little facts you throw into your article might even be true. So that one day you might even be able to get a real job.