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Feed. ©2003-2006 GroupHug.us. All rights reserved. weblog@wonderwinds its like a web page only worse Archives for: 2005 Hang-glide-ing: The 2 pac song act of flight in a motorless craft 2 pac song with wing loadings of 0.5 to 3.0 pound per square foot. Directional control is by weight shift deformation of the structure. Sustained flight utilizes mechanical and thermal instability in the atmosphere. Optimum flight conditions occur with gust and turbulence velocities at or near the flight speed resulting in occasional loss of directional control, uncontrolled flight into the ground, structural failure, and the frequent use of emergency systems. ~ source unknown list posts in this category 12/25/04, Categories: b2evolution, sidebar, 992 words This is a three-part hack for b2evolution that will list posts in the same category as the post the visitor is currently reading.