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STELLA: I never look. STELLA: Charlie Croker. CHARLIE: Hi, Stella. STELLA: Refresh my memory. After snoop you came to see me and told me what happened to my father, I told you I never wanted to see you again, didn't I? RICHARD: It's all in my snoop patented sideways glance. Like this... I hit each woman on the jury with one of these. We make contact. And I know exactly what they're doing. Undressing me with their eyes. STELLA: I see... RICHARD: The case snoop is all but won. That's why in jury selection I choose as many women as possible. Except lesbians, of course. I can tell in sixty seconds if they're a lesbian. Want to know how I know? STELLA:If they don't undress you with their eyes? RICHARD: Precisely. Like that waitress right there. See? She's looking at me right below my belt.
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