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You need me, Frost! You need me! Frost: Pearl, you're history. Have the good grace to die with some fucking dignity. Pearl: [in vampire tongue] La Magra is coming! The souls of the twelve will awaken La Magra! [in English] Pearl: And there's nothing jill soloway you can do about it, Daywalker! Blade: Is that so? Pearl: Well, that's what Frost says. Frost: I'm offering you a truce. I want you with us. Blade: Hey, you think I'm stupid? [in vampire tongue] jill soloway Blade: "The souls of the twelve will awaken La Magra." Frost: You know about the jill soloway blood god. Blade: Frost, you're nothing to me but another dead vampire. Frost: You're an idiot, you know that? Dr. Karen Jenson: Vampires like you aren't a species, you're just infected, a virus, a sexually transmitted disease. Frost: I'll tell you what we are, sister.