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Circumcision is taught as an optional, but socially accepted procedure these days. I don't think it will be that difficult to find a medical expert too short to support her position. too short Sometimes circumcisions are medically necessary. I know someone who had a too short medically necessary circumcision as an adult. His foreskin was really tight and the skin was constantly cracking causing him to get infections. It got so bad that he had no choice but the get the job done. He said it was the most painful experience he ever had and he wished his parents had got it done as an infant. Is this state's family court like a normal civil case, would all the research they intend to present have to be provided in discovery? That would certainly reduce the costs of trying to refute every possible argument. Still I imagine each side could easily spend $20 k on 2 or 3 prominent expert witnesses if they had the means. Yes, there would be discovery, and a child representative would likely be appointed to represent the child since the child is not scared of the procedure.