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Your mother's inside-out smelly ass bleeding rotten vagina. Ek wens jou vingers verander in vishoeke, literary en jou balle begin te jeuk. I hope your fingers change into fishing hooks, and you get an itch in your balls. Jy's nie 'n kont nie; jy's die stukkie wat stink You're not a cunt, you literary are the piece that stinks Jou ma se uitgedopte platannapoes in 'n visblik Your mother's inside-out toad vagina in a sardine can Jou piel is so krom soos die hond se agterbeen Your dick is as bent as the dog's hind leg Gaan vat 'n literary ruk Go jerk-off Gaan kak 'n aap Go fuck a monkey Jou man se poes Your father's cunt Gaan naai 'n koei Go fuck a cow Jou snoek poes Your fish cunt Jy lek hond balle You lick dog balls. Jou drie-draadige, lang-haarige, snot-snaarige blou bles bliksem.