"Ball and Chain," (not 2 pac shakur nude

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"Ball and Chain," (not a cover of the classic Janis Joplin song) sounds somewhat Janis-Joplin like. It is here that Wainwright lets down all restraints and finally lets all that had been building up inside nude her explode. "Why nude does this always happen?" she yells, demanding an answer, yet knowing none will come. The album comes back to earth with the beautiful "Don't forget" a song about lost love. These types of songs are so cliché,' but Wainwright nude sounds so sincere, and this song feels so lived in, that it's impossible not to be moved. The tongue-in-cheek "This Life," tries to answer the question of whether the monotony of life in general is worth living. The light percussion over the subtle strumming of the acoustic strings creates the perfect backdrop for the song. Although it is asked whether or not suicide is the answer, this seemingly heavy-handed topic does not emotionally drain the listener the way an Alice In Chains song might.
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