The Pietasters/the Stabones/the Tossers francesca lia block movie and video reviews

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The Pietasters/the Stabones/the Tossers - live in CharlottesvillePosted by Vincent_M on 2006-03-03 12:41:36My movie and video reviews Score: Did The Pietasters play Night Owl off the s/t? They've been doing that recently, great song. Good review too, glad you guys got movie and video reviews the good Tossers and not the 'Mr. Duggins movie and video reviews is wasted, and he's gonna spend the whole night telling the crowd about a) how wasted he is and b) how he's been drinking absinthe' Tossers. The Pietasters/the Stabones/the Tossers - live in CharlottesvillePosted by Dante3000 on 2006-03-03 12:14:33 Will the Stabones ever play the west coast? Governor Schwarzenegger pleads with you. -Dante The Pietasters/the Stabones/the Tossers - live in CharlottesvillePosted by RecordTheory on 2006-03-03 00:22:16 you're goddamn right the stabones played over the tossers! this shit was worth driving 11 hours over the period of 20 hours to see. fucking amazing show. for real. up the stay-bones! The Pietasters/the Stabones/the Tossers - live in CharlottesvillePosted by TheOneTrueBill on 2006-03-03 00:13:42 The Stabones played over The Tossers?
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