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You should not display photos of yourselves, as those with Photoshop can doctor them in hilarious ways. And above all, you should not send e-mails without using a spell checker first. Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to pick at scabs, as it only makes them worse? If I can gulf war teach gulf war one person that the Web is not a friendly place, this vicious mocking of teen mothers is worth it. In my brief responses gulf war to the teen mothers, I use "Ed's note" to clarify when I'm speaking. Editor's note, right? One chick thinks my name is Ed. Christ. Do we have any hope? Dear "Ed", In response's you wrote : Ed's note: I do not think organ transplants should be legal. Does that answer your question?. First of all...I didn't ask for your Opinion on the organ transplant matter! Your opinion doesn't really matter when it comes to saving lives which is perfectly clear. You know...Up until this day I have never in my life actually hated someone...but