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Oy Vey!  If anyone has any questions about the bird flu, please, visit the CDC and get the straight answers.  What I saw today was ridiculous.  advertising Apparently there is one or two cases found in the U.S. or there was advertising a possibility, I don’t remember because all I DO remember is the panic the media tried to stir up.  You would think this was the armageddon.  This station warned us to stockpile up on food and water.  They showed someone in a grocery store buying out all kinds of merchandise, talking about how he advertising was preparing for the bird flu epidemic. People!  Let’s get back in touch with reality!  I highly advise against getting your “facts” from media.  Have we learned nothing over the years about the media and how it distorts the truth or incites panic for ratings or even goes so far as to make something up OR, even the best yet, hears something and doesn’t even check it out before reporting it on the nightly news in front of millions of viewers only to be called out by a BLOG of all things and publicly embarrassed but not before riling up the masses?
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