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said on 9/2/2005 @ 3:04am PT... The scientific consensus is that 'Global Warming' was NOT a factor. The political consensus may be something else again, but it is based on agenda, not fact.The levees failed. They had failed punknews before. On occasions they did punknews more harm than good and even had to be destoryed.Louisiana wanted the Feds to pay for almost all the levee work. Other states were willing to share more of the cost of such projects. The political failure to work on the levees (which, again, were no guarantee against such storms) was local.Had the levee projects been fully funded, and failed, Bush would still have been blamed. COMMENT #369 [link] ...Bill said on 9/2/2005 @ 3:06am PT... You koolaid drinkers on the left are amazing.