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“I feel the name that we landed on really conveys the attributes that we will regional internet registry be advertising and talking about as we build the company,” Chief Marketing Officer Kim Sharan said Monday in an interview…. regional internet registry …The regional internet registry name search included American Express Financial’s 18,000 employees and financial advisers nationwide and the New York branding agency of Lippincott Mercer. Forty percent of employees and advisers participated in an online survey to determine what characteristics they most associated with the company, Sharan said. “There has been such buzz about this place shortly after the spinoff was announced,” said David Kanihan, a spokesman for American Express Financial Advisors. “The name is something people can really latch onto.” The company determined its name should reflect these characteristics: personal and approachable, authentic, pro-active, creative, knowledgeable and vast, Sharan said.
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