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(You'd have to hear the young southern white girl immitating Samuel L. Jackson to truly appreciate it.)Needless to say, when a title like this has managed to infiltrate even the Apostolic inner circle of BFE nowhere, it's definitely a keeper. 3/10/2006 sexy mature granny 5:58 PM Laura Forrester said... I ahve read comments and blogs all over the internet about this fabulous sexy mature granny movie and they have all made me laugh SOOO much . Anyone know what rating it will be? I need to see this movie. Lovin' it. Sam L Jackson is sexy mature granny mad, and this movie will define our generation I feel. 3/12/2006 2:58 AM ATX Night said... Aug 17, 2005Half a year later I read this post and like it. I think the trailer should show the title with maybe a breathy voice actor reading it followed by the rating and release date. Any sane person would want to know what happens on that plane. What the hell?