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I was in the rear then — although we did get shot at even in Germany (drivebys — just hit buildings) I was the sit 'n spin camp SOG that night. Comment by Stephen Gordon — 2006-02-16 @ 8:22 pm (continued) Those gunshots were as close (and some of our equipment being blazed at Khobar Towers) as I got to the front then. Then they sent me in sit 'n spin some sort of administrative bullshit deal to DC to be a telecommunications control officer. The only fun I had was sit 'n spin laughing my ass off when the REMF unit spent its one day a year playing Army in the nearby woods. As I already noted, I got out as soon as possible after that transfer. So to answer your question, I’ve seen both sides of the Army — and about 50% of the time with each perspective. And I’ve got my share of ribbons, too. They mostly come from bullshit units and not from real units with real missions where real people actually get hurt.