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[reply] by CableCarrier on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 1 digg OUENDAAAAAN! [reply] by akirakurosawa on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 1 digg No problem...all it will take are a bunch of oil drillers, Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. [reply] by Reliant on 12/07/05 [comment mature women porn buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs In 31 years I'll either mature women porn be dead or 73 hassling some mature women porn nurse in a nursing home!! [reply] by Reliant on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs But good digg anyways!! [reply] by loki128 on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 1 digg Lets keep this in perspective: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/risk/a99942.html 99.982% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth [reply] by geneHACKman on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs I've officially gotten dumber by reading this article [reply] by op12 on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs Reliant: more like harassing than hassling