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Yet non-anonymous voting provides valuable information -- e.g., Tesco might notice that, for example, people who buy lots of hot soups in the winter don't buy high-sugar fizzy drinks in the summer or some other correlation that is listen music only observable if you can know that shopping basket A and listen music basket B (6 months later) represent the same voter. These long-term correlations aid in both store assortment planning and forecasting. Re:Tesco = Advanced listen music Commercial Democracy by Dunbal (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @08:28AM Why store-level aggregate data isn't good enough by G4from128k (Score:3) Saturday August 06, @09:09AM Re:Why store-level aggregate data isn't good enoug by Threni (Score:1) Saturday August 06, @09:43AM The difference by Julian Morrison (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @08:45AM Re:Tesco = Advanced Commercial Democracy by forgotmyotheraccount (Score:1) Saturday August 06, @08:50AM Re:Tesco = Advanced Commercial Democracy by Anne Thwacks (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @11:13AM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.