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Blair and Bush will be in Northern Ireland on either , April 7 , or 8 , about Post -War Iraq ! Come with your buses and cars ! HONK AGAINST WAR !STOP mature porn thumbs THE WAR ! HONK - A - mature porn thumbs THON ! BE THERE ! Give Bush and Blair a Bronx Cheer ! STOP mature porn thumbs THE WAR ! STOP THE WAR COALITION will be having a demonstration in London on Saturday 12 April to coincide with a demonstration outside the WHITE HOUSE in WASHINGTON ! - BBC ON THE INTERNET Pray For Peace ! Everyone should write to the UN ! No More War On Iraq ! This war should be fully condemned by the UN ! John Howard Should Quit ! The UN should be bringing out, Peace Observers , and stanch the hostilities of the West ! Thereby !, No War On Iraq ! Yes, lets go to war & after the war "Larry Flynt for President!!"" P.M. Blair Should Resign ! Good-Bye , Sir ! As our administration foolishly spends our taxpayer dollars trying to implement democracy in a nation whose people burn our own flags, we are certainly doomed to enflame an already tense, anti american attitude.