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But to state it over and over is dishonest… truthcansuck @ 02/01/06 12:50:58 the issue to me, is: look in the mirror. do you donate as large a portion of your income to charitable causes as these people? if not, do you mature hairy pussy porn do an amount of charitable volunteer work that could be considerably equivalent? what do you do for the world that gives you the right to deem that Oprah or Gate’s contributions to mature hairy pussy porn the world simply aren’t good mature hairy pussy porn enough? i don’t really care for oprah’s show or book selections. i dislike gate’s business practices and many of his products. yet i’m still able to recognize that at least they attempt to do good for the world with the profits they make. Number5Toad @ 02/01/06 12:53:35 So for these guys to make a gesture of humanity when they could do much much more makes them superior than anyone of us? A ‘gesture of humanity’ is crying with a widow.. it’s comforting an orphan… it’s giving the homeless guy on your block a meal… using your resources and influence to help millions of people in a very real and direct way is more than a gesture of humanity, it’s called ‘EARNED RESPECT’ and it makes them good people.