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exactly.. that guy ripped me off... support me if any one remembers seeing me down there... im suprised my pic isnt on here.. after taking so e cards many pics with people.. but.. that sign is the shit!!maya: e cards 23rd Jan 2006 - 02:25 GMT I met him a e cards couple of nights ago outside a restaurant in Philly. He was absolutely hilarious to talk to. I would have given him a dollar if I had it.Eric: 9th Feb 2006 - 00:30 GMT I saw him, or someone like him, standing around the Empire State Building in New York City. jeeff: i wonder if there's a whole gang of these guys.nick_d: 6th Mar 2006 - 05:57 GMT i bet this dude has a home and family and does it for kicks. i would if i had the time...you'd meet so many interesting people...but i bet the other homeless people despise him.Comment on this article Name: Type your comment here: Upload photos (opens in popup window) [previous] :: [next] search citynoise.org buddy bike, Seattle WA, LATIN KING, Catholic people, hiii, recent discussions Donde Vas, Senor?from:
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