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Boy, were we wrong! The Southern gentlemen went to Washington to present their grievances to Lincoln but were rebuffed. Lincoln wanted that money - it was helping to build the biggest and finest army ever known! - and he was determined to get it. The Southrons threw together a rag-tag army and did older asian sex astonishingly well considering the better financed Union army. If they could have had the benefit of a tariff on Northern goods and built a better army and navy, who knows older asian sex what the future would have held? add your comments south will older asian sex rise again by nick • Monday October 06, 2003 at 12:07 AM hell yea i think students should wear confederat flag t shirts, cause if the black monkeys dont like it they can kiss our rebel asses , cause the kkk will be after the niggers so all the students who agree with me, THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN, SO FUCK U DAMN NIGGERS add your comments Pavlovian cries of "racism" by billperson • Sunday October 12, 2003 at 02:36 PM Chic Leftist Bigotry October 12, 2003 by Bruce Walker The Left does not care about bigotry except as a carefully nurtured vice used to create artificial schisms between peoples and to leverage Leftism into undeserved power.
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