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Well, there goes that twitch discussion forum again; either my green tea was spiked with neurotoxin, or it's time to read discussion forum a little VIEWER MAIL... Today's mail comes from Ben, who asks: > hi I have been looking for that song every where. My friend use to have it, discussion forum > but now i cant remember who sang bite butt f--k gobble nibble chew > song.. could you please send me the name of the song and who sings > it...Thanks Ben Ben, Drunk people. -trav Date: 2004-11-14 23:54:47 (Author: trav) Link: Google SMS: If it weren't so damn useful, and if I hadn't wished for something like this for so long... well, it would kind of scare me. Date: 2004-11-08 22:58:27 (Author: trav) Link: I got a kitten. Her name is Ike, and I'm posting pictures of her because I'm in love, and I think the internet really needs another blog with pictures of the author's cat.