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But "The Flintstones" was the true original - Stone Age Man painted on cave walls but how did they make moviepit mail forum bag replys retorts flames cartoons of Fred and Barney moviepit mail forum bag replys retorts flames on em? I bet that obelisk from "2001" taught ‘em how to do it. The very best thing about "Family Guy" is Mister Family Guy Himself, Peter Griffin. Peter isn't just the funniest cartoon character on TV in years, he is - Along with Jackie moviepit mail forum bag replys retorts flames Gleason, John Belushi, and Buddy Hackett - one of the Great Lovable Fat Funny Guys Of American Comedy History! "Family Guy"s opening credit sequence has Peter's wife Lois sitting at the piano singing the theme song and then Peter comes in and you go "Look at that guy! He's so lovable and fat and funny! I LOVE HIM!" But then it cuts to his stupid kids and you're like "Where'd he go?!