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"What's your doll's name?" I asked her. "Petey," she said. "Petey? That's kind of a funny name for a girl doll." Emma furrowed her mature nude brow and cocked her head and looked at her doll. "Oh," she said, smiling, slapping her little hand to her little mature nude forehead. "He's all mixed up," and she picked up the doll and turned it around and held it up in the air from its little doll arm pits. Sure enough, the flip side of the doll was a boy with short dark hair and blue pants. "This is Petey," she said, shoving mature nude the doll into my face. Then she pulled it away, flipped it again, shoved it back into my face, and said, "This is Emily," and then put the doll on her lap. Erik was telling the story about his broken arm and how the bone had been sticking out at the elbow, which didn't seem to be impressing anybody. I was relieved that he'd left out the part about how he'd broken his arm, which was by falling down the stairs while he was fighting with his stepfather.
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