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Sequels, Remakes Dominate Razzie Nods [AP]Previously: No Amount Of Crazy Can Keep Cruise From Box Office Throne [Defamer] READ MORE: Awards, Tom Cruise, top No Amount Of Crazy Can Keep Cruise From Box Office Throne We probably all realized this hot mature tits already, but sometimes we need the hard data to back it up: No matter how many times Tom Cruise wrestles Oprah, engages Matt Lauer in a tense glib-off, makes Brooke Shields cry, or unconvincingly impregnates Katie Holmes, we're still powerless against him at the box-office: Actor hot mature tits Tom Cruise led a hot mature tits poll of movie exhibitors aimed at determining the top 10 money-making stars of 2005. Cruise, who appeared in last year's "War of the Worlds," has won the annual survey by Quigley Publishing Co.
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