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Hours: 10:00-21:00 daily.  Address: No. 3, Lane 39, Chungshan N. milf video galleries Rd. Sec. 2, Taipei (in the Grand Formosa Regent Hotel) Tel: (02) 2561-9122 ext. 568 or 569 Tienmu Tienmu has a strong foreign flavor; check out this interesting display window. Back in milf video galleries the days when there were large numbers of American soldiers in Taiwan, there was an American barracks in Tienmu, which has remained one of the places with the highest concentrations of foreign residents in Taiwan. milf video galleries The Taipei American School and the Taipei Japanese School are both located on Chungshan North Road in Tienmu. Because of the foreign presence, and because Tienmu is one of the most expensive of Taipei's residential neighborhoods, the commercial circle in Tienmu has a certain aristocratic and exotic feel about it, and it attracts many shoppers who are particular about brand names.
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