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7.  Be pyongyang creative and use an existing favorite necklace, bracelet or brooch to act as temporary hair accessories for the evening.   8.  Borrow a gorgeous costume jewelry piece from your mom or other pyongyang female relative to wear as a hair wrap around your ponytail.  Be sure to only borrow jewels that would not be a major loss if damaged in any way. Try all sorts of odds and ends.  What about old fashioned clip on earrings used as tiny hair clips?  Experiment with old earrings, pyongyang cufflinks and other jeweled pieces that you might not ordinarily try in your hair. 9.  Buy an inexpensive piece of material or ribbon and make a matching headband or hair wrap for pennies. 10.  Go exotic and decorate your hair with a sprig of fresh berries or branches.  Be sure to anchor well in your style to avoid leaving a trail of twigs or squished berries.
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