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Typically the hair was cut relatively long (for the time), brushed back, and heavily greased. To read more about mods, teddy boys, including man hairstyle information, read the article "Mod. The Life and How to Live It", which is part of an English website. temple fade - see fade above. TH flattop and TH clipper - see horseshoe flattop above. thinning shears - scissors that are used to thin hair out. Instead man of having two flat blades, like regular scissors, thinning shears have matching man sets of "teeth" with gaps between them. When used to cut hair, some of the hair gets between the teeth of the shears and is cut, but most of the hair falls in the gaps between the teeth and is not cut. This allows some of the hairs to be cut short and other hairs to remain at the full length of the style.