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The level of violence, especially gory knife and stabbing violence with graphic blood flying everywhere is unnecessarily gruesome. All in all, we give this movie low marks for excessive violence, darkness and dreariness. Of the 2 hours and 7 minutes that we graphic watched, there were about two minutes of this movie that were REALLY GOOD. Natalie Portman's haircut took about 9 seconds. That was a bit disappointing after all the hype. While the haircut has been described in the media as a headshave, it was in fact a buzz-cut graphic done with the #2 blade on a black Oster Model 76 clipper, and was intentionally NOT well done, leaving little bits of hair here and there not cut to the same length. They showed about two swipes with the clippers near the beginning of the haircut and another two swipes near the end of the haircut. We're hoping there will be a "MAKING OF" video made that will include more of the haircut footage.