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North Korea, in many ways, represents the milf porn galleries largest religious cult in the world, with the universe revolving around Kim Jong-Il. In addition, North Korea exists within a bizarre time warp, an artifact milf porn galleries of the Cold War. Earlier this month, according to BBC translations of North Korean television programming: "North Korea has launched an intensive media assault on its latest arch enemy - the wrong haircut. A campaign exhorting men to get a proper short-back-and-sides has been aired milf porn galleries by state-run Pyongyang television. The series is entitled Let us trim our hair in accordance with Socialist lifestyle." The DPRK TV program, according to the BBC, "stressed the 'negative effects' of long hair on 'human intelligence development,' noting that long hair 'consumes a great deal of nutrition' and could thus rob the brain of energy." Completely absurd, this ought to serve as an example that even squeamish moral prevaricators can get behind. On the other hand, though, if Dear Leader has ever seen the 1960s-era rock opera HAIR, he may have a point.
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