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Wow, real scared now, SERIOUSLY. I will just put a matress on my bathtub and wait it out. [reply] by lem0ns43 on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs Somebody get the frickin' laser... [reply] by DrEbola on insulted 12/07/05 [comment buried, insulted show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs Does this mean another sappy Aerosmith song? [reply] by Fosowp on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + 0 diggs Send robots to attach foam panels to it. The NASA should have no trouble destroying it. [reply] by serra on 12/07/05 [comment buried, show commenthide comment] + insulted 0 diggs Why do they even tell us about these things when there is a less than 1% chance that it will even hit us? Make people get all excited for nothing.