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He don't give a fuck, he's mad, he's telling this reporter how he feels, he says "I films ain't seen pussy in about 36 months, and you're ass is looking good to me, films bend over I might have pussy on a stick" He's talking about fucking this dude in the ass, this is a guy from prison. So this Dude's crazy, but that's the name of the new album "Institutionalized" Hmmm, sounds a bit dodgy. Have you ever films rejected a subject matter as being too extreme. Does Ice-T ever find self-censorship necessary? No, the only thing I wouldn't rap about is something that I don't know, there are a lot of things that I wouldn't rap about because I don't agree with, I would never rap about molesting children or shit like that, I don't that shit is funny, but I might rap about molesting women, because I might think that's funny. It's all up to me but I'm the judge, a lot of things I said in the past I would change, I used to make jokes about aids which were uncool, but everybody made aids jokes when aids first came out and then you found out it wasn't no joke.