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My choice was to go insult wavs to war because i stay by my countrys side no matter what happens. I am a soldier and will go to war anyday. the people that insult wavs disagree with going to war need to think about it alittle more. So please change your votes to yes. Because you know we should. Dont follow all the comunist liberal people who tell you otherwise think for yourselves and change you vOTES!! it would mean alot to the people here fighting. all i have to say is that all of u dumb ass SoB's should go live in some country where u really have a crazy leader instead of calling our president one. Go live in a country where u will get shot for having brown hair or being a certain religion, then tell me it wasnt right to go liberate all those inocent people who have to worry about if they will make it threw today while u worry more about what to order for lunch and live in american abusing the rights that brave men and wemon died for what to eat for.